Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Strong Verbs List Your Detailed Guide to Strong Verbs [Video + Download]

Strong Verbs List Your Detailed Guide to Strong Verbs [Video + Download] Strong Verbs List: Your Detailed Guide to Strong Verbs [Video + Download] Strong verbs are essential for great writing. Not only do you need to know HOW to use powerful verbs, but having a strong verbs list at your disposal is invaluable. Well cover both for you.I used to think writinga book was easy. And in all honesty, writing has never been the most difficult thing in the world for me but when it comes to writing stories and crafting my writing in a way that compels others and pulls them in deeply, it’s been an uphill battle before I discovered using strong verbs along with interesting and cool words to use, that is.Heres what well cover about strong verbs :What is a strong verb?FREE downloadable 200+ strong verbs listStrong verbs versus weak verbsWeak verbs to replace in writingWhat are to be verbsTo be verbs listHow to use strong verbs the right wayWhy you should use strong verbsStrong action verbs for better writingInever struggled with putting my thoughts on paper or even coming up with the ideas.Nope.My biggest hurdle was bringing the emoti on I was trying to convey to life.And as I delved deeper into the literary world, I quickly realized that using strong verbs is a must if you want to create something that leaves a lasting impact. What is a strong verb?Thanks to every English class growing up, you know a verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence. But what’s the deal with strong verbs? It’s not like they can hit the gym and bulk up, right?A strong verb is a better and more descriptive version of a basic verb that creates a stronger visual and can help create a mood (or vibe) for the scene.Weak VerbStrong Verb VariationsRunBolt, sprint, jogWalkSlink, trot, mopeMakeCreate, forge, foster, brewSaySpeak, voice, purr, mutterSo although you can use the basic verb and still tell the same story, you will create a deeper impact within the reader if you use a strong verb in its place.Strong verbs only help your writingI’ll be real with you here. Using strong verbs will definitely make your writing more intriguing and will increase the chances of someone buying (and loving!) your book.BUT, they won’t help you know how to publish a book that sells.And what’s the point of having incredible writing if you can’t publish it in a way that allows for the world to see it?Well, that’s where we come in. No matter how great your book is, you still need to know how to put it all together, market it, and then self-publish in a way that generates sales.Join Chandler Bolt at his FREE Webinar Training as he reveals the exact tactics and strategies he used to write and publish 6 bestselling books in a row and how he used them to build a 7-figure business in less than 2 years!Spots are limited!Click Here to Save Your SpotStrong verbs VS weak verbsWhat’s the real difference here? How can you tell the difference between a strong verb and a weak one?Since you can’t exactly ask words to flex, you need another system to determine if your verbs are weak or not.Here’s how we define strong verbs vs weak verbs:Weak verbs are the â€Å"basic† forms of a specific action, like â€Å"walked† or â€Å"ran.†Strong verbs are a specified form of a broader action, like â€Å"stomped† or â€Å"bolted.†So the main thing you need to remember when it comes to strong verbs vs weak verbs is how specific it is.HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR WRITING: Use strong verbs instead! Weak verbs are the basic forms of a specific action, like walked or ran. Strong verbs are a specified form of a braoder action, like stomped or bolted.Click To TweetWeak Verbs to Replace in WritingThe weakest verbs you can replace in your writing are to be verbs. These pull your writing quality down and peg you as an amateur.Other weak verbs include basic forms of any verb, like run, walk, say, sit.Now, keep in mind that weak verbs are absolutely okay to use on occasion. The issues arise when youre using these verbs over and over again when there are better, stronger verbs you can use to make your writing more powerful.Sometimes the best verb to use in a situation is the weak verb. Just keep a look out for how often youre using that b asic form so you can beef up your writing by replacing them in other places.What are to be verbs how to replace them in your writing?To be verbs are any verbs used to describe a state of being, including these terms: is, am, are, was were, be, being, been.In order to make your writer stronger, its important when to use them and when theyre making your writing clunky and weak.Here are a few examples of how to replace to be verbs with something stronger:"To Be" Verbs SentenceReplacing "To Be" VerbsReplacing Weak Verb with Strong VerbShe was walking through the corridor.She walked through the corridor.She slinked through the corridor.Conrad is afraid of the dark.Conrad fears the dark.Conrad cowers from the darkness.I was being chased by someone I didn't know.I was chased by someone I didn't know.Someone I didn't know chased after me.I was wanting to visit this forest for as long as I can remember.I wanted to visit this forest for as long as I can remember.I longed to visit this forest for as long as I can remember.To Be Verbs ListOne of the best ways you can strengthen your writing is to use strong to be verbs. These will instantly make your writing more compelling and less amateurish.These are state-of-being verbs like to be verbs to look out for in your writing:AmAreBeBeenBeingCanCouldDidDoDoesHadHasHaveIsMayMightMustShallShouldWasWereWillWouldHow to use strong verbs in writingLittering your writing with strong verbs wont necessarily make it any better. In fact, if you overdo it, those verbs will have the opposite effect.Instead of making your writing stronger, it can bring it down to an amateur level.That being said, I created the video below in order to help you understand how to use strong verbs in your writing the right way. Why use strong verbs for writingBecause your writing will be better overall. One of the best ways you can immediately make our writing stronger is by going through and crossing out each weak verb and replacing it with a better one.Here ’s how your writing will improve when you choose to use strong verbs.#1 Stronger visualsOne of the most important parts of any book is that your readers can get a precise visual. If they’re going through the chapters not fully picturing what’s happening, they won’t be fully invested.And readers who aren’t invested don’t become fans. And they don’t leave reviews. And they don’t buy any other books you publish.Strong verbs take a basic sentence and form a very specific image in the reader’s mind. Doing this throughout the entirety of your book will leave your readers feeling as if they just stepped out of an entirely different world.And that’s exactly what you want.Take these strong verb descriptions for example:She walked into the room, her cape trailing after her.She charged into the room, her cape billowing after her.She strutted into the room, her cape flowing after her.Each of these sentences is extremely simi lar in what they tell you; a girl with a cape entered a room.But changing the verbs from â€Å"walked† to â€Å"charged† to â€Å"strutted† alters the way in which she entered.It tells you the how.And knowing how an action takes place sets up far more than just the image for the reader. It tells them the mood the character’s in, increases suspense in some cases, and even creates anticipation for what’s to follow.#2 More impactful emotionsThe goal of your book (and any book, really) is to make your reader feel something. You want to stir emotions in them.That’s why they read books. That, and they want to be transported to a different world, which strong verbs are also used for.But one of the main reasons to use strong verbs in writing is to create a more emotional impact.When you want to create a strong reaction in your reader, no matter what type of reaction that is, you need to use strong verbs.Here’s an example of creating more anx iety or anticipation in your readers:My heart was beating so fast I could hear it.My heart crashed against my ribs, echoing in my head.Which sentence gives you a clearer picture of the anxiety that must be felt?The second, right.Because replacing â€Å"was beating fast† with â€Å"crashed against my ribs,† shows you just how hard my heartfelt. And thats the difference between a weak verb and a strong one.Strong verbs in writing are the KEY to showing and not telling in order to hook readers.Click To Tweet#3 Helps you show, not tellBy now you know just how important showing versus telling is in writing. And one powerful way to show more and tell less is to use strong verbs.It forces you to think more about the visual you’re trying to show the reader instead of just telling them what happened.Because showing creates a stronger emotional connection between the reader and your book, replacing weak verbs with more powerful ones will hook your readers.For those of yo u who struggle with showing and not telling, focusing on using better verbs will help tremendously.#4 They reduce weak adverbsWhen you’re writing, you may have a tendency to write sentences like, â€Å"I gripped the steering wheel firmly.† While this doesn’t look like a terrible sentence, it also doesn’t convey a very strong visual.Whenever you have an adverb, you should replace it with a stronger verb. That’s all an adverb is. It gives your weak verb a boost but it doesn’t actually make your sentence any stronger.Instead, replace â€Å"gripped firmly† with a powerful verb like â€Å"clenched† or â€Å"squeezed.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I clenched the steering wheel† is a much stronger sentence that gives a clearer visual.Go through your writing and pick out some adverbs to replace. Your writing will be better because of it.#5 They make for more concise writingHave you ever picked up a book that looked decent enoughand even had an awesome title only to start reading and be turned off by how wordy and jumbled it is?Strong verbs prevent this.When you replace weak verbs and adverbs with a single stronger verb, you get rid of the excess writing that can make reading harder.It also saves you a ton of time cutting words during the editing phase.Because you’re using one word to create a strong visual, you won’t have to write more trying to describe how it looks to you. That strong verb does the job for you.This also allows for easier, more fluid writing and reading.Strong action verbs for better writingI won’t lie. One of the most frustrating things to read is a book that lacks strong verbs in scenes that are meant to be full of action.You’ll find this most often in fiction, but nonfiction books can be just as (if not more!) guilty of this. When you have a story that should leave the reader’s heart pounding but it doesn’t even raise their eyebrows, you have to do some diggi ng to improve.Heres a list of strong action verbs to improve your writing:What to do NextIt’s not enough to just know what strong verbs are and how to use them. You actually have to put these tips to use in your own book and implement what you’ve learned.Here’s what you can do right now to improve your writing and your book!#1 Attend your FREE trainingAll of this advice is relatively useless without a plan for finishing, marketing, and self-publishing your book.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Difference Between Extrapolation and Interpolation

The Difference Between Extrapolation and Interpolation Extrapolation and interpolation are both used to estimate hypothetical values for a variable based on other observations. There are a variety of interpolation and extrapolation methods based on the overall trend that is observed in the data. These two methods have names that are very similar.  We will examine the differences between them. Prefixes To tell the difference between extrapolation and interpolation, we need to look at the prefixes â€Å"extra† and â€Å"inter.† The prefix â€Å"extra† means â€Å"outside† or â€Å"in addition to.† The prefix â€Å"inter† means â€Å"in between† or â€Å"among.† Just knowing these meanings (from their originals in Latin) goes a long way to distinguish between the two methods. The Setting For both methods, we assume a few things. We have identified an independent variable and a dependent variable. Through sampling or a collection of data, we have a number of pairings of these variables. We also assume that we have formulated a model for our data. This may be a least squares line of best fit, or it could be some other type of curve that approximates our data. In any case, we have a function that relates the independent variable to the dependent variable. The goal is not just the model for its own sake, we typically want to use our model for prediction. More specifically, given an independent variable, what will the predicted value of the corresponding dependent variable be? The value that we enter for our independent variable will determine whether we are working with extrapolation or interpolation. Interpolation We could use our function to predict the value of the dependent variable for an independent variable that is in the midst of our data. In this case, we are performing interpolation. Suppose that data with x between 0 and 10 is used to produce a regression line y 2x 5. We can use this line of best fit to estimate the y value corresponding to x 6. Simply plug this value into our equation and we see that y 2(6) 5 17. Because our x value is among the range of values used to make the line of best fit, this is an example of interpolation. Extrapolation We could use our function to predict the value of the dependent variable for an independent variable that is outside the range of our data. In this case, we are performing extrapolation. Suppose as before that data with x between 0 and 10 is used to produce a regression line y 2x 5. We can use this line of best fit to estimate the y value corresponding to x 20. Simply plug this value into our equation and we see that y 2(20) 5 45. Because our x value is not among the range of values used to make the line of best fit, this is an example of extrapolation. Caution Of the two methods, interpolation is preferred. This is because we have a greater likelihood of obtaining a valid estimate. When we use extrapolation, we are making the assumption that our observed trend continues for values of x outside the range we used to form our model. This may not be the case, and so we must be very careful when using extrapolation techniques.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Negation in Arabic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Negation in Arabic - Essay Example A comparison and contrasts of Arabic with the English language provides for several interesting as well as challenging issues. The Arabic calendar, although based on the lunar year, has the same number of months as the English calendar and there is also similarity in the names of the months (Online Arabic Tutorial). But the similarity ends here. Then the language becomes complex with its own set of rules and applications (Edwards, Malcolm). The Arabic grammar reflects the rule of its alphabets and vowels on the correct arrangement of words in a sentence. It makes good use of prefixes and suffixes for various purposes such as negation and also for indicating the future. The use of the alphabet depends on where it is placed in the word (Online Arabic Tutorial). For instance, the letter t (pronounced ta in Arabic) has five variations on the way it is used, depending on its position in the word. The same rule applies for all the other alphabets. The Arabic language is written right to left. However, its numbers are written left to right, just as is done in English and most other languages. The Arabic numerals are based on the Indian numeral system (Online Arabic Tutorial). The ways texts are written influence various other aspects in written and oral expressions. For instance, if an Arabic student were to make graphs indicating statistics of increasing data, the student will show the data increase from right to left. On the other hand, if the same graph were to be made by an English student, the data will show the increase from left to right (Tversky, Barbara). There is the use of a suffix to address adjectives, masculine and feminine genders. The possessive pronoun 'its' does not exist in Arabic. Depending on whether the noun is masculine or feminine, the possessive pronoun is spoken of as male or female. The verb 'to be' is understood but not expressed in Arabic. The comparative degree is indicated through the use of adjectives. It does not agree in gender with its noun, but remains fixed in form. Negation in the past tense is done by using a prefix at the beginning of the sentence. Also, future is formed through the use of a prefix in a sentence. The Arabic language does not have neutral gender. Every noun is either masculine or feminine gender (Online Arabic Tutorial). Semantics The Arabic language has its own repertoire of folk tales and idioms to buttress the language. The language is dimensionally set with its own culture and intonations. Direct expressions, proverbs, idioms, graphics, etc enrich the language. There is no neutral gender and the gender of every noun must be learned. It is important to pay attention to the gender of the nouns because the gender of adjectives, pronouns and verbs that refers to them must agree. Even cities have gender (Online Arabic Tutorial). The language is set with rules that require the crossing of dotting of every t's and i's. Names are replete with use of the name of the Prophet and his relations. Muhammad, Abdullah, Fatima, Jamila are some of the common names bearing divine attributes. The names and expressions

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The importance of Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The importance of Auditing - Essay Example The research paper is specifically meant to explore the reasons why developing countries in particular often fail to meet their expectations in terms of economic development. As such, the hypothesis for the research is: "Implementing better regulated auditing systems with severe consequences for not passing the audit will help developing countries to improve their economic development and avoid widespread corruption." Along with this hypothesis, the methods for data collection that will be mainly used include qualitative research. This will be mainly comprised of secondary data obtained from published literature such as journals as well as other official documents in the same area of study. The main advantage of using secondary research for this particular research is that the data going to be used is authentic. This data would have been validated in other previous studies. One of the reasons for the financial success of developed countries is their reliance on strict auditing practices. However, one of the reasons for the financial problems of many developing countries is lack of regulation of auditing system. Developing countries fail to apply the right plans for developing because they depend on accounting and neglect the auditing systems. By not involving auditing systems in the process, the range of corruption will increase. Unfortunately, accounting and auditing systems or procedures of developing countries are currently struggling to keep pace with those of the developed nations because they were specifically designed to meet the needs of centrally planned economy and not globalized economies (Prather-Kinsey, 2006). Therefore, the accounting systems lack uniformity as well as accounting standards because they are applied differently across industries and sectors. The auditing and accounting systems normally set clear objectives of providing accounting information related to tax, statistics, and financial

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How My Stories Were Written Essay Example for Free

How My Stories Were Written Essay Have u ever read a story where you were related to or change your life? In the short story by Bulosan, he uses a few literary elements such as setting, and irony to show how someone’s life can be change by a storyteller. In the following, I will explain what is the role of the Apo Lacay in this short story and how he has helped the author to overcome in the new world. In the beginning of the story â€Å" It is true there are mountains which are green all the year round bordering the northside of the province of Pangasinan, my own native province, in the island of Luzon†, Bulosan uses setting to let us know where the story takes place; he also give us details on how it looks like. This place is so important to him because he was born and raised here; his childhood was not as greater as his adult life but he gain so many anecdotes about it. The people that lived in the village were attached to the past centuries and a lot of things have been said from one generation to another. There was a man who had lived more than anyone else in the village; he is a storyteller that comes from a mysterious dwelling in the mountains and start telling his tales to the children and adults. Repentantly, he became friend with Apo Lacay (the storyteller), and learned from his tales even if they were not true. The boy (the author) thought that there were wisdom from his tales and he wanted to remember what kind of people lived in the village when he moves to the land far away. We sometimes do not pay attention to what or whom we listen to, we do not realize that we can learn a lot from books or simple short stories and gain the greatest wisdom ever; no matter where we go, in this case the author went to America, nothing cannot take the knowledge from you. The boy has also learned that there is more fear among the man than in the night forest full of beast, birds, the trees, storm and tempests. â€Å"In the savage heart of man there dwells the greatest fear among the living†.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Private Schools vs. Public Schools Essay -- Private Schools vs. Public

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As time has gone by, Americans have increasingly paid more attention to the schooling process, trying harder all the time to get the best education possible for their children. As a result, more parents are turning from the public school systems to the private schools. This happens for several reasons. First, students that graduate from private schools tend to be better prepared for college. Second, private schools open up many opportunities to succeed in the business world. Last, the private schools allow the parents and the student to decide which school they feel will give the student the best education possible. Overall, private schools offer a better education for high school students than do public schools.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Students that graduate from a private school tend to succeed more in colleges than students that graduate from a public school. There are several reasons that this occurs. First, the study skills that are learned in a private school far exceed the skills that are learned in a public school. One of the most important skills is being able to manage ones time effectively. Time management can be one of college life’s hardest habits to learn. The difficulty-level of each course also plays a large role in the preparation for college. In private schools it is expected that the courses will be more difficult than at a public school. The second area of strength is the peer pressure. In public schools the pressure is very rarely pressure to work hard in school, ...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Essay

Benjamin Franklin is a notable figure in American history and perhaps one of the most recognizable in name and appearance. Franklin was one of the most important people during the early years of the nation because of his involvement with the Declaration of Independence and the diplomatic and political advances he made during his life as a citizen of the new United States of America. Known for his curious mind, Franklin is also remembered for his many scientific contributions to the field of Physics. While many people would say that George Washington is the father of this country, there is a good argument that Benjamin Franklin should hold the title in the history books. Why? Because he is the only founding father to have signed the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, and the Constitution, and it is these three documents as a whole that created the United States as its own nation apart from Great Britain and established its place in the world. Without his ability to be diplomat, his political sense, and his scientific advancements, the United States would have likely never become the nation that it is today and for this reason, Franklin is destined to have a place in American history. Benjamin Franklin was, for all intents and purposes, first and foremost a shrewd and successful politician. During his political life he accomplished a great deal of important things. One of the most notable of Franklin’s political dealings was his absolute disapproval of the Stamp Act and he was at the head of the effort to have it repealed by Parliament. He was appointed by the Continental Congress to the committee that would draft the Declaration of Independence and was in fact the person that edited it. In his later years, he was part of the committee that created the United States’ Constitution and was single-handedly able to help the unhappy delegates come to a compromise and helped, through an impassioned speech, get them to sign it. In his last years he was also known for being a dedicated abolitionist and spent a great deal of political energy asserting this cause. Throughout his life, his writings and activism helped establish the United States as an American nation. In fact, he is credited with having inventing the idea of an American nation. As a diplomat, Benjamin Franklin was well-liked and received by other nations because of his friendly nature, his intelligent conversation, and his ability to connect with people on a different level. His most notable diplomatic accomplishment was the Treaty of Paris, which helped establish the United States as a separate and equal nation. Franklin was well-liked by the French because he was able to quickly understand the customs of the people and used his ability to negotiate over the dinner table to effectively make connections with the French. Throughout his life, Franklin would be known as an accomplished diplomat for the United States. As a scientist, Franklin’s accomplishments are well known by Americans. Franklin was an inventor who enjoyed trying out new ideas and coming up with new scientific ideas. Among his inventions were the lightening rod, the glass harmonica, and bifocal glasses. His experiments with electricity were among his most well-known and became important contributions to Physics. He also founded the American Philosophical Society, where men of science would get together and discuss their inventions and scientific research. Throughout his life, his greatest love would be science and his study of electricity. Benjamin Franklin is perhaps the most important of the founding fathers because his contributions to the country went far beyond simply serving as president or fighting in a war. Franklin was able to use his ability to work with others, be diplomatic, and his intelligence to help create the nation that he envisioned. He not only helped the United States break away from England, but was there to help the American people gain status in the world at large and to help create the Constitution that would be the foundation of American society. His accomplishments in science and his founding of the American Philosophical Society helped bring science and culture to a fledgling nation that was trying to find its own way. For this he will always be remembered as the Father of the country. Bibliography â€Å"Benjamin Franklin. † Wikipedia. 29 Jan. 2007 .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Quantitative Techniques

Classification of Quantitative Techniques: There are different types of quantitative techniques. We can classify them into three categories. They are: 1. Mathematical Quantitative Techniques 2. Statistical Quantitative Techniques 3. Pprogramming Quantitative Techniques Mathematical Quantitative Techcniques: A technique in which quantitative data are used along with the principles of mathematics is known as mathematical quantitative techniques. Mathematical quantitative techniques involve: 1. Permutations and Combinations: Permutation mearns arrangement of objects in a definite order.The number of arrangements depends upon the total number of objects and the number of objects taken at a time for arrangement. The number of permutations or arrangements is calculated by using the following formula:=  Ã‚  Ã‚   n! n r ! Combination mearns selection or grouping objects without considering their order. The number of combinations is calculated by using the following formula:=  Ã‚  Ã‚   n! n r ! 2. Set Theory:Set theory is a modern mathematical device which solves various types of critical problems. Quantitative  Techniques  for  Business     Ã‚  5 School  of  Distance  Education 3. Matrix Algebra:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Organisation Theory Case Study Essays

Organisation Theory Case Study Essays Organisation Theory Case Study Paper Organisation Theory Case Study Paper Organisation Theory Case Study – Motivation at the Bradley Clothing Company The personnel manager of the Bradley Clothing Company, Alice Johnson thinks the theories of Maslow and Herzberg are very suitable for the management; therefore, she put the theory into practice. The outcome is not what she expected, so this is the main discussion point about the relationship between theory and reality. The theories of Maslow and Herzberg are surely worthy to be the reference for implementation, but there are still some theories which assist and support these two theories to make it more complete, and it is also very important to take this into consideration. In the following, I am going to discuss the combination of those theories and the practical method for execution. Content Theories of Motivation The theory was developed by Abraham Maslow (1943, 1954, 1971), and his main argument was on the resolution between drives and motives and he claimed we have nine intrinsic needs. During the nine needs, from the basic biological requirements to the highest hierarchy self actualization and it really pointed out the progress of needs from human beings. However, the process could be stopped by any levels, and besides, maybe it is too vague for the Mrs. Johnson to predict the behaviour from the employees of the company because there are different positions of jobs which have different working content. Although the Marlow’s theory still offers the correct concept, the situation nowadays may need some adjustment. The theory is was more of a social philosophy which reflected white American middle-class value, so it cannot cover all the conditions. Clayton Alderfer (1972) claimed the ERG theory which included existence, relatedness and growth needs. Alderfer’s theory could be linked to the Maslow’s theory which is biological and safety needs, affiliation needs, and self-actualization and self-esteem needs. It simplified the process of the Maslow’s theory and directed at organizational settings because Maslow was not intentionally concerned with work motivation. Actually, if Alice can take this as her basic idea for the different levels of needs, it will be easier to categorise. Although Alice took the idea from Maslow, it is newer to adapt he ERG theory, besides it also related to the original Marlow’s theory. This is the fundamental part of staff’s needs, and only figure out the source of the needs, it is possible to continue the following steps. Then, here is two quotes which was from Sheila Ritchie and Peter Martin (1999) that ‘the task of the manager is to find out what it is that motivates people’ and ‘make them smile more and carp less’. There are twelve motivational drivers and for the Bradley Clothing Company, clothing designers need to be self-development, social contact and relationships. It is because the clothing designers are satisfied with the status quo and they feel happy about the current achievement, and this could be a concern afterwards. If they just think they do not have to make in progress, the ability of competence must be going down and it will be very easy to lose to the other competitors, so they have to have the kind of self-awareness which is similar to self-development and remind themselves to keep improved continuously and the manager could show the work from other companies to motivate the designers to have better performance. For the other employees such as cutters, seamsters, pressers, and packagers, it should focus on recognition, variety and change and money and tangible rewards. The jobs they are responsible for is replaceable, but as a good company, it should take care of all the employees and that is why they are the partners in the company. Besides, although it is hard to let them feel their job full of variety, the company still can educate them that try to take every different piece of clothes as the new work and maybe they just do not appreciate what they do. In this way, if they could think what they do is also very important part of the process, it might be higher their self-esteem and try to feel the variety and change for themselves. The most practical way to motivate those employees is to raise their salary and offer tangible rewards, but maybe this could be difficult to do this, because Mrs. Johnson thinks that the company’s wage and salary levels were among the best in the industry. I think if it could not enhance the encouragement for the employees, the item of money and tangible awards can be taken into consideration. ‘Marlow’s is a universalist theory, which applies to everyone, and thus cannot readily explain differences between individuals and between cultures’ (Buchanan and Huczynski, 1985) This is the reason why it is necessary to consider the other three process theories of work motivation, equity theory, expectancy theory, and goal setting theory. Equity Theory The equity theory is fom Stacy Adams (1963, 1965). The definition of equity theory is that based on our perceptions of fair treatment. It is normal to find out the argument among the employees that why they do not get the same wage even they do the same thing and they compare the rewards (pay, recognition) and contributions (time, effort, ideas). For the Bradley Clothing Company, if they have the well system about the management of the salary and the workload, it will not be a big problem for them at this stage. On the other hand, it is essential to avoid the inequity to the employees, because it is hard to convince them and it is even harder to ask them work better. The formula for equity theory: my rewards (minus my costs)/ my effort and contribution = your rewards (minus your costs) / your effort and contribution. According to the equity theory, the rewards could be either tangible or intangible and the importance falls on equal treatment and avoids the unfair distribution because the inequity would definitely decrease the motivation. Expectancy Theory The American psychologist Victor Vroom (1964) developed the expectancy theory of work motivation, based on three concepts: valence, instrumentality, and expectancy. There is obvious explanation that if you work harder, you will expect you get more rewards. The same principle to the realistic situation and it is that the employees always think the more they work, and the more they get. ‘Expectancy theory helps to explain individual differences in motivation and behaviour, unlike Maslow’s universal content theory of motivation. (Buchanan and Huczynski, 1985) Therefore, we can see the different interpretation for different position because it concerns about the individual case. Lyman Porter and Edward Lawler (1968; Lawler, 1973) create a model of work motivation which is based on Vroom’s expectancy theory. At first, ‘the perceived value of rewards’ and ‘expectation that performance will lead to reward’ come to the making effort part, then there are two more element which are ‘individual abilities and traits’ and ‘role perceptions’ with ‘the effort’ to the ‘job performance’. After the job performance, you can get the rewards either from intrinsic or extrinsic side, and there is another element ‘perceived equity of rewards’ which combine with the rewards and lead to the ‘job satisfaction’. In this whole process, the each individual item should be considered into the real execution for the management because the motivation has been developed in those steps. Goal-setting Theory Edwin Locke (1968, 1975; Latham and yukl, 1975) argues that ‘goal setting is more appropriately viewed as a motivational technique rather than a formal theory’ (Lock, 1975, p. 465). There are four main points about the goal theory: challenging goals, specific goals, participation in goal settings and knowledge of results of past performance. I think Mrs. Johnson should know these four different ways of goals to control the performance of the employees because they are in the different positions, and certainly they have different goals for the jobs. The manager could help the staffs to set their goals. For example, the clothing designers are suitable for the first two goals- the challenging goals and specific goals, because they have use their creativities and try to innovate the unique collection for their design and especially the goals for the designers all depend on their own ideas and only they could put the limit to themselves so set the challenging goals and specific goals would be better for their performance. About the third goal- participation in goal setting, it is suitable to use for the other workers in the company. These employees are not responsible for the innovation, so they just have to cooperate with the new design and know how to follow the instructions. Last but not least, knowledge of results of past performance is also a kind of important information and reference for the whole staff because when they know the results of the previous project, it will help them to set the direction for the coming case. The main features could be sum up as goal difficulties, goal specificity, participation, acceptance and feedback. The whole process normally should start form the beginning, but it still could be adjusted as different positions and levels of the employees. Motivator and Hygiene Theory The idea of job enrichment was first developed by the American psychologist Frederick Herzberg (1966, 1968). Motivator factors which are for the job contents include achievement, advancement, growth, recognition, responsibility and the work itself. Hygiene factors which are in the organizational context are pay, company policy, supervisory. In this theory, Herzberg argued that improvement in the hygiene or context factors will remove dissatisfaction, but will not increase motivation and performance. It is an interesting idea that personnel manager Mrs. Johnson does not notice this very well. The hygiene rewards are more intended to the extrinsic rewards, but the intrinsic rewards are more important influences on the motivation to work. As a result, a manager cannot only use the single theory to evaluate the adaptability but should care about the real working situation of the staff. The job characteristics model is designed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham (1974; Hackman and Purdy, 1975). There are mainly four factors which are implementing concepts, core job dimentions, critical psychological states and personal and work outcomes and one very important indicator which is employee growth need strength (GNS). This model sets out the links between the features of jobs, the individual’s experience, and the outcomes in terms of motivation, satisfaction and performance. This model also takes into account individual differences in growth need strength (GNS), a concept of self-actualization’. (Buchanan and Huczynski, 1985) From the model and the explanation, the different factors of motivation for work can be analyzed and it can try to find the real point for increase the motivation. GNS which is related to Maslow’s concept of self-actualization can indicates the willingness to welcome personal development by job enrichment. I think Mrs. Johnson can use this job characteristic model as a reference and put in practice. It is certain that it should make adjustment anytime depending on different job contents and attribution. Conclusion It is not always easy to put one kind of classic theory into the real condition and we can say the theory can only offer the basic spirit of the implementation. Mrs. Johnson indeed simplifies the management of motivation and it may neglect what the staffs really want and need. The theories of the Maslow and Herzberg’s might be simple but actually it should be taken as the basic roots of the whole concepts. Besides there are plenty of other theories which have been developed by theoretical professionals, so Mrs. Johnson should make good use of them and have a discussion with the representatives from different positions and in this way, it could have better result to boost the motivation. (1949 words)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Say Thank You to Friends With a Sentimental Quote

Say 'Thank You' to Friends With a Sentimental Quote Friendship, like any other relationship, needs to be nurtured. It cannot grow like a wildflower. To develop a good friendship, you need to be committed, and a word of gratitude goes a long way toward sealing bonds. Thank your friends for being there for you. Thank them for helping you rediscover yourself. Use these thank-you quotes for friends in cards and messages. On  Friendship Day, reach out to your friends in every corner of the world. Let them know that wherever they are, they will always be in your heart. Real friends are worth the time and trouble. As Oprah Winfrey said, Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.   Richard BachEvery gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness. Grace Noll CrowellHow can I find the shining word, the glowing phrase that tells all that your love has meant to me, all that your friendship spells? There is no word, no phrase for you on whom I so depend. All I can say to you is this, God bless you, precious friend. Ralph Waldo EmersonThe glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him. It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. EuripidesFriends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. Baltasar GracinTrue friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing. Yolanda HadidFriendship isnt about who youve known the longest... its about who came and never left your side.   Thomas JeffersonBut friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine. Ann LandersLove is  friendship  that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.   John LeonardIt takes a long time to grow an old friend. Franà §ois de la RochefoucauldA true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take the least care of all to acquire. Albert Schweitzer ï » ¿In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. Lucius Annaeus SenecaOne of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. Henry David ThoreauThe language of friendship is not words, but meanings.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Mark Rothko - Artist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mark Rothko - Artist - Research Paper Example The paper "Mark Rothko - Artist" focuses on Mark Rothko. The young Marcus’ life was out of the question. Travel towards the man of the arts from a childhood filled with religious and political ideals started when the Rothkowitz moved to the U.S. evading the pressing political situation in Russia. Leaving Yale was the onset of Marcus’ art career particularly when he saw a sketch session during a visit at the Art Students League wherein later on he enrolled on one of the art classes. His early artworks were greatly influenced by Max Weber, a mentor at the Art Students League and a Russian immigrant like Marcus. Marcus’ early works are figurative bordering mostly on the Expressionist style of painting. His works before shifting to abstract expressionism always vary and as seen in his paintings such as the untitled painting of three nude women painted in between 1933 and 1934, his work depicting children at the doorstep in Street Scene done in 1937 and a self-portrai t done in 1936 only shows that just like any artist, Marcus was searching for a specific art style to appropriate for his ideas. Among his attempts to make his presence felt in the art scene is the small show at the Museum of Art in Portland in 1933 displaying some of his paintings and works on paper and his first one man show in 1947 at the with his first one man show at the Parsons Gallery. Symbolism in the artist’s works paved way to an art style that freed not only the artist from the confines of the existing art styles during his era. but released him from the restraints of his religious and political upbringing. Changing his name from Marcus Rothkowitz to Mark Rothko symbolized the birth of an artist liberated from the constraints of his past and the dominating art styles at that period. Rothko in the 1940s had shifted into an art style called Multiform which is â€Å"a synthesis of mutilated figures, myths and symbols painted in hazy and luminous colors.† (Bresl in 232). The artist’s Multiform period served as his transition period towards a more individualistic and unfettering style for Rothko. Examples of his work during this period are The Omen of the Eagle done in 1942, Sacrifice of Iphigenia also painted in 1942 and Gethsemane which was done in 1944; all of which were filled with symbols, inspired by myths and teachings of Judaism. In these paintings, Rothko obviously endeavors to create a more personal art form by featuring familiar subjects that the artist had lived with throughout his life. From artworks bombarded with symbols and myths, Rothko arrives at a point that even he was worn-out of incorporating them on his paintings. He started eliminating concrete figures in his painting, one of his paintings that demonstrated the figureless style was Number 7 painted between 1947 and 1948. Along with eliminating concrete figures from his artworks was Rothko’s discarding of using prolix titles and used numbers instead or de liberately leaving the